Case Study – ATCC
Executing a successful product launch at top speed for a revolutionary and highly complex stem cell product for ATCC

ATCC chose Forma to introduce a breakthrough in induced pluripotent stem cells. The offering was truly unique with some very strong benefits, but ATCC had tried a related introduction in the past, with mixed results.
After a thorough review of the industry sector and key competitors, we used our experience to develop a strategy based on the development of an entirely new brand, including a new name for the entire range of the products and services, a new position, new messages and a new tagline.
We followed up this clearly defined strategy by creating a launch plan and developing the tactical marketing pieces shown here, among others. The results hit home. The Senior Director of Corporate Business Development stated: ”The result is well-defined, eye-catching and above all, delightfully on-target for our offering, our space and our own company’s personality.”